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Snake Plants: Facts, Care and Growing Tips

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

In the world of indoor plants, few varieties are as revered as the Snake Plant (Sansevieria). Known for its striking appearance and remarkable resilience, the Snake Plant has earned its place in the hearts and homes of plant enthusiasts worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the fascinating varieties of Snake Plants and provide expert care advice to help you cultivate these green companions with ease.

Snake Plants Varieties and Care

Photo Credit : Instagram @intotheplants

Snake Plant Varieties

The world of Snake Plants is a rich tapestry of unique and captivating varieties, each with its distinctive features and attributes. Let's delve deeper into these varieties to help you choose the perfect Snake Plant for your space:

Sansevieria Trifasciata - The Classic Snake Plant

Appearance: The Sansevieria Trifasciata, often referred to as the "Mother-in-Law's Tongue" or "Viper's Bowstring Hemp," is perhaps the most well-known and recognizable Snake Plant variety. Its long, sword-like leaves stand upright with striking green and yellow stripes running down the length. The vibrant contrast between the dark green and pale yellow creates a visually appealing pattern that adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Care: This variety is a true survivor. It's incredibly hardy and adaptable to a range of lighting conditions, making it a favorite choice for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts. It's well-suited for low light conditions but can also thrive in bright, indirect sunlight.

Sansevieria Trifasciata - The Classic Snake Plant

Photo Credit : picturethis

Sansevieria Cylindrica - The Cylindrical Snake Plant

Appearance: Sansevieria Cylindrica, also known as the "African Spear Plant," boasts a unique and modern appearance. Instead of the typical flat, sword-like leaves, this variety features long, cylindrical leaves that shoot straight upward, resembling a cluster of green, pointy fingers. The cylindrical shape adds a contemporary and architectural element to your decor.

Care: Much like the Sansevieria Trifasciata, the Cylindrical Snake Plant is a low-maintenance plant. It can thrive in various lighting conditions, from indirect sunlight to partial shade. Its distinctive shape and adaptability make it a favorite choice for interior designers looking to add a touch of sophistication to modern spaces.

Sansevieria Cylindrica - The Cylindrical Snake Plant

Photo Credit : Gardenersworld

Sansevieria Laurentii - The Mother-in-Law's Tongue

Appearance: Sansevieria Laurentii, also known as the "Variegated Snake Plant," is a close relative of the classic Sansevieria Trifasciata but with a bit more pizzazz. It sports bold, bright yellow margins along the edges of its deep green leaves. This striking contrast adds a touch of drama and elegance to its overall appearance.

Care: Like its classic counterpart, the Sansevieria Laurentii is a hardy and resilient plant. It's tolerant of low light conditions but can also flourish in brighter indirect sunlight. Its vibrant variegation makes it a showstopper in any room, whether as a stand-alone centerpiece or part of an indoor plant ensemble.

Sansevieria Laurentii - The Mother-in-Law's Tongue

Photo Credit : emery

Sansevieria Trifasciata 'Hahnii' - The Bird's Nest Snake Plant

Appearance: The Sansevieria Trifasciata 'Hahnii,' commonly known as the "Bird's Nest Snake Plant," is a compact and charming variety. It forms tight rosettes of short, broad leaves that radiate from a central point, resembling a bird's nest. The leaves are typically green with light gray-green horizontal stripes.

Care: This variety is well-suited for smaller spaces due to its compact growth habit. It's adaptable to a range of lighting conditions, making it an excellent choice for offices or apartments with limited natural light. The Bird's Nest Snake Plant's unique appearance makes it an attractive addition to tabletops or as a decorative centerpiece.

Sansevieria Trifasciata 'Hahnii' - The Bird's Nest Snake Plant

Photo Credit : plantcaretoday

These are just a few of the intriguing Snake Plant varieties available to plant enthusiasts. Each variety brings its own personality and aesthetic to your indoor space, making it easy to find the perfect Snake Plant to complement your decor and care preferences. In the following chapters, we'll delve deeper into the care requirements and characteristics of these and other Snake Plant varieties, ensuring that you can confidently cultivate these green companions with ease and success.

Snake Plant Care Essentials

Now that you've met some of the fascinating Snake Plant varieties, let's dig into the core care guidelines that will ensure your Snake Plants thrive:

Light Requirements:

Snake Plants are versatile and can tolerate a range of light conditions, from low to bright indirect sunlight. However, they tend to thrive in medium to bright indirect light.


Snake Plants are drought-tolerant and prefer to dry out between waterings. Water sparingly, allowing the top inch or two of soil to become dry before watering. Overwatering is a common issue, so less is often more.


Well-draining soil is essential. A cactus or succulent mix is a good choice to prevent waterlogging.

Snake Plant Care Essentials

Photo Credit : Stylist

Temperature and Humidity:

Snake Plants are comfortable in average indoor temperatures (around 70°F/21°C) and typical household humidity levels. They can handle lower humidity but thrive in moderate humidity.


Feed your Snake Plant during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, diluted houseplant fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Avoid fertilizing during the dormant winter months.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even the most resilient plants can encounter problems. Here's how to troubleshoot common Snake Plant issues:

Yellowing Leaves:

Usually a sign of overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out and adjust your watering routine.

Yellowing Leaves snake plants

Photo Credit : BloomingBackyard

Droopy Leaves:

This can be a sign of too little light. Move your plant to a brighter spot.


While Snake Plants are relatively pest-resistant, watch for mealybugs or spider mites. Treat affected plants with insecticidal soap and isolate them from others.

Propagating Snake Plants

Expanding your indoor plant collection is one of the joys of being a plant parent, and Snake Plants offer a fantastic opportunity for propagation. Whether you want to share your plant with friends, create new plants for other areas of your home, or simply experiment with propagation techniques, Snake Plants are remarkably easy to propagate. In this chapter, we'll explore two common methods: leaf cuttings and division.

Propagating Snake Plants

Photo Credit : apieceofrainbow

Method 1: Leaf Cuttings

Selecting a Healthy Leaf:

Begin by choosing a healthy Snake Plant leaf to propagate. Opt for a mature leaf that's at least a few inches long. It's important that the leaf is free from any diseases or damage.

Cutting the Leaf:

Use a clean, sharp knife or scissors to cut the selected leaf into sections that are about 2-3 inches long. Ensure that each section has a portion of the leaf base (where it was attached to the stem) intact. This is crucial for successful propagation.

Drying the Cuttings:

Place the cuttings in a dry, shaded area for a day or two. Allowing the cut ends to callus helps prevent rot when planting.

Planting the Cuttings:

Fill a small pot with well-draining succulent or cactus potting mix. Plant the cuttings, ensuring that the leaf base is inserted into the soil while the cut end remains above. Water the soil lightly.

Caring for Cuttings:

Keep the soil lightly moist but not soggy. Place the pot in a location with bright, indirect light. Over time, new shoots will emerge from the cuttings. This process can take several weeks to a few months.

Propagating Snake Plants

Photo Credit : houseplanthouse

Method 2: Division

Dividing a mature Snake Plant is another effective way to propagate and rejuvenate your plants. This method is suitable for well-established Snake Plants with multiple shoots.

Selecting the Plant:

Choose a mature Snake Plant that has several shoots and has outgrown its current pot. It's best to do this during the plant's active growing season (spring or summer).

Removing the Plant:

Gently remove the entire plant from its pot. Be cautious not to damage the roots.

Separating Shoots:

Carefully separate the shoots from the main plant. Each shoot should have its roots attached.


Plant the separated shoots in individual pots with fresh, well-draining soil. Water them lightly after repotting.

Caring for New Plants:

Provide bright, indirect light and water sparingly until the new plants establish themselves. Once they show signs of growth, you can transition to a standard Snake Plant care routine.

Propagation can be an exciting way to witness the growth and development of your Snake Plants. It's also an excellent way to share the joy of plant parenting with friends and family. Whether you choose leaf cuttings or division, remember to be patient and give your new plants the care and attention they need to thrive.

Propagating Snake Plants

Photo Credit : Houseplantcentral

Snake Plant in Design

Snake Plants aren't just easy to care for; they're also versatile design elements that can transform the aesthetic appeal of your living space. In this chapter, we'll explore various design styles and how Snake Plants can complement them.

Minimalist Elegance:

The clean lines and simplicity of Snake Plants make them a perfect addition to minimalist interiors. Their sleek, upright growth and subtle variegation add an element of sophistication to spaces characterized by simplicity and functionality.

Bohemian Jungle:

In bohemian or eclectic design schemes, Snake Plants can act as a grounding element. Their robust foliage provides a counterbalance to the vibrant colors and diverse textures often found in bohemian decor.

Contemporary Chic:

In contemporary homes, Snake Plants can be used to create a striking focal point. Pair them with sleek, modern furniture and geometric patterns to achieve a cutting-edge, urban look.

Snake Plant in Design decor home

Photo Credit : goodplantcare

Snake Plants Beyond Decor

While Snake Plants are undoubtedly eye-catching decor pieces, they also offer several benefits that go beyond aesthetics. Let's delve into some of the unexpected advantages of having Snake Plants in your home.

Air-Purifying Power:

Snake Plants are renowned for their air-purifying abilities. They remove common indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene, making the air in your home cleaner and healthier to breathe.

Feng Shui Symbolism:

In feng shui, Snake Plants are considered excellent choices for improving the energy flow in your living space. They are believed to absorb negative energy and promote harmony and prosperity.

Folklore and Symbolism:

Snake Plants have a rich cultural history and symbolism. In some cultures, they are associated with protection, good fortune, and longevity.

Snake Plants

Photo Credit : houseplantaccessories

Your Snake Plant Journey Begins

As you embark on your journey with Snake Plants, you'll find that these captivating plants are not only visually appealing but also rewarding to care for. With the right varieties and proper care, your indoor garden will flourish, bringing a touch of serenity and nature into your home. Whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a newbie, Snake Plants are sure to delight and thrive in your care. Happy gardening!

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